I started this blog several years to make a record of some of the things that I have stitched whether it be knit, sewing or cross stitch. I also like to come up with ideas for gifts for family members. I also have included some of my writing but not all of it. Just a little rambling sometimes. When I was a child I loved to visit my great aunt in Somerset Kentucky. So many wonderful memories come back when I think of that time.
Friday, October 19, 2012
Attended a couponing class a couple of weeks ago. This thing may work out. It will take a little work but if I can save $20 to $25 a week that's $100 I didn't have before. I think that I may try making the homemade detergent and dishwashing recipes I have found on the internet. We will see. I have been knitting lots of stuff lately will be adding pics soons.
Friday, October 5, 2012
Summer is over
This summer was such a long hot season. I think we only mowed our grass a couple of times. It was beginning to get truly sad watching every burn up and turn brown. Some of the corn fields actually looked like someone had set fire to them. But today it felt like fall. The rain was so cold. We will probably have to turn the heat on tomorrow. I am wondering if we have the opposite in the winter very cold and lots of snow. The farmers have been hit so hard. The corn not only burned up but ended up with nitrates that make it unsafe for the cattle. The hayfields are at danger as well. Everything was just so thirsty.
Monday, June 11, 2012
Blackwork by Monica Ferris
I recently finished this book by Monica Ferris. I thoroughly enjoyed the book. It is a mystery and needlework is mentioned throughout it. It's a mystery in the style of Murder She Wrote mysteries. I found it very interesting and plan on purchasing more of her books.
Listening to the rain
We are finally getting rain today. All the trees and plants are so sad. They have been without rain for days and days. I am also keeping an ear out for the weather radio, severe thunderstorms are coming with the rain. Hopefully all will go well and everyone will be safe. High wides and hale warnings are out. I had been hoping for just a nice soaking all day rain but here we go. Praying that all goes well for the folks in the path of the storms.
Friday, June 1, 2012
Gift for Aunt
Thursday, May 24, 2012
I have set up a facebook page
I have set up a facebook page as Somerset Stitchery and Design. Hopefully, I will be adding more pics and posts as I go
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Friday, May 4, 2012
Somerset Stitchery
Good news I have made some sales on my Etsy shop. I decided on the name for my shop because this was one of my most favorite places when I was a child. I have so many wonderful memories of Somerset. Memories of family from the past. I remember the wonderful smell of honeysuckle on the night air and listening to voices that have passed long ago.
I remember sitting watching the stars on a summers night, drinking in the honeysuckle sweet smell, and just dreaming. As time passes, I want to let those dreams be woven into stitches and patterns for others to weave a memory with.
I remember sitting watching the stars on a summers night, drinking in the honeysuckle sweet smell, and just dreaming. As time passes, I want to let those dreams be woven into stitches and patterns for others to weave a memory with.
Friday, April 6, 2012
I have added my Etsy Shop to my page
I think that I finally figured out how to add my Etsy Shop to my page. Please visit if you have the inclination. I don't have very much in there yet. But I am working on own design for a baby sweater and bonnet that will be added soon.
Thursday, April 5, 2012
New Etsy Shop is finally up
I finally have my Etsy shop up and running. Don't have much in it yet, but I am working on the first design that I want to post. I do have a few things that I have completed in the shop. I have also listed a knifty knitter. I have knitted for so many years and I take great joy in watching the needles and fiber move through my hands. I knitted my daughers wedding veil, which reminds me I need to take a picture and post to the blog. I have done commissioned knitting in the past and knitted sweaters for a designer. For years I knitted for myself, my children, my dogs, and anyone in the family who had a baby. So we'll just wait and see how it all works out.
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Hopefully spring is here to stay
The Easter Lillies have bloomed in the yard. My roses are waking up. The tulips are ready to bloom. I hope spring is here to stay. Wish I could be at home more getting the yard ready for the summer. So many ideas for the future. Hopefully soon i can post a link to my Etsy shop on here. I have just started so there isn't much to post. But soon. I have quite a few ideas and plans for what I want to do. There are so many designs dancing around in my head. I want to get them into the computer and printed out. I will be making samples to post and getting my own patterns ready to preview on my shop soon.
Friday, March 9, 2012
Things I Miss From Home
The big belly laughs.
Hearing: I had a feeling you were going to stop by today. Come on in I made you something special.
Everyone getting a chance to tell their story. Even the little ones have a story to tell.
All the remember when we statements
Knowing that I can walk in at any time and be welcome
Sitting around the table and just listening to the sounds of everyone voices and laughter
Even when we didn't agree we still held onto each other
Having someone hug you so hard they take the pain away or at least lift if from your shoulders for awhile
Hearing: I had a feeling you were going to stop by today. Come on in I made you something special.
Everyone getting a chance to tell their story. Even the little ones have a story to tell.
All the remember when we statements
Knowing that I can walk in at any time and be welcome
Sitting around the table and just listening to the sounds of everyone voices and laughter
Even when we didn't agree we still held onto each other
Having someone hug you so hard they take the pain away or at least lift if from your shoulders for awhile
Friday, March 2, 2012
Watching Weather
It is so difficult to sit and watch the radar as it hovers over where your children are at. There is no way to lift that storm by yourself. All you can do is pray that His hands will lift it up and protect all the innocent children and your loved ones in its path. You have to trust that they have had enough warning to get into a safe spot and stay there.
Thursday, March 1, 2012
Recent weather
It is amazing how much havoc Mother Nature can create and in such a short time. The tornadoes in Missouri and Illinois have affected so many peoples lives. How quickly everything you think of as normal can be changed.
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Just remembering
Today I thought of my grandmother and sitting with her in her living room. We were putting together a quilt that my great grandmother had made the rings for a double wedding ring quilt. I remember her saying we are putting this together for you to have. We should only have good thoughts when we are pieceing these quilts. Our hands will be holding the future. Only good thoughts should surround the people you love. You want to sew good thoughts with your stitches.
Monday, February 27, 2012
It is truly amazing the difference in rasing children. Until you are in the middle of it, you don't realize how different boys and girls are to raise. With little girls there is talk of fairies, Cinderella, dresses and shoes. With little boys, sometime you close your eyes and hope they will be ok--as they pour coffee for the first time, jump and bounce from couch to chair then back again, But there are some universal similarities: they both want to be loved and accepted as they are. They want someone to just take the time to listen, read them a story, laugh at their jokes and see the world through their eyes. Someone that sees the wonder of the world with them.
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Two year old epilepsy
I never knew it was common for children to develop epilepsy around the age of two until my grandson suddenly started having seizures. He had had no sign of the seizures. But we have been assured this is not uncommon and that he will probably outgrow just as suddenly as they came on.
this is the blanket that matches the sweater I had already posted. The little outfit is a vintage pattern that I found on the internet. These were made for a special baby that although I have not met him yet I am so very happy he has been born. I spent lots and lots of hours with his father when he was a little boy. I wish that we were closer so I could visit but hopefully soon. His birth has been a long awated event and will bless his family so very much.
Monday, February 20, 2012
Finally finished
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
What I am working on now
I have been working very diligently on a sweater and pants set for a special child that is to born next month. I had trouble finding yarn to be able to complete the blanket so it will be a complete set but as soon as I am finished I will be posting pictures.
Sunday, January 8, 2012
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